Search Results for: "obama-romney-debate"
HELP---It's a Cloaked Twitter Attack!!
Seriously, should we really be making the uninformed decision to trust our online reputation to someone with NOTHING TO LOSE except the independent contractor job to build us up or destroy us with 140 keystrokes on twitter or up to ...
First Time Homebuyers Tax Credit Extension--Expanded--this is cool
The Tax Credit for 1st time homebuyers has been extended and "expanded" to include current homeowners interested in selling to move up, downsize or anysize but less than 800K. Details ...
Texas Real Estate: Obama Care and the new Real Estate Tax--the REAL deal
-- The term 'net investment income' means the excess (if any) of-- "(A) the sum of-- "(i) gross income from interest, dividends, annuities, royalties, and rents, other than such income which is derived in the ordinary course of a ...