Home-Grown Tomatoes with Master Gardeners!
Home-Grown Tomatoes with Master Gardeners!
Free tips from the experts with the Walker County Master Gardeners will help you to grow the perfect tomato! Home-Grown Tomatoes will be held from 11:00 to 11:45 a.m. on Tuesday, March 1, in the Huntsville Public Library’s Community Room.
Experts will share how to grow tomatoes, starting from seeds or seedlings, common problems and solutions, and popular tomato varieties. Door prizes will be awarded.
Texas Master Gardeners are members of the local community who have been accepted into the Master Gardener training program in Walker County. They have attended 50 hours of instruction and have committed 50 hours of volunteer service to Walker County’s Texas Cooperative Extension program in order to attain certification. The group is committed to educating others in the community about a variety of horticulture-related topics. Their workshops and presentations are presented in an engaging manner that is conducive to learning.
To learn more about the Master Gardeners, visit their website at http://txmg.org/walker. Register online for this free workshop at www.myhuntsvillelibrary.com
Contact Mary Kokot, Adult Services Coordinator, at 936-291-5471 with questions or for additional information.
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